luni, 11 iunie 2012

Romanian Traditions - "BURDUHOASA"

A typical tradition of Sâncel is the so called “Burduhoasa”; this event takes place on the 23rd of April, when people celebrate the religious holiday of St. George, the protector of nature and animals. It is said that during the night and day of St. George the house, the animals and the land are threatened by evil spirits. Therefore, the tradition of “Burduhoasa” is meant to send them away and to protect the inhabitants, their animals and their land but to invoke rain, as well, in order to make the plants grow.
On this day, several lads accompany “Burduhoasa”- the embodiment of nature coming back to life again; in fact it is a lad dressed from head to toe in green branches, his face covered in soot and carrying a long whip with him. These lads go from house to house, asking for food, especially eggs but nowadays they also receive money. The inhabitants of the village throw water on “Burduhoasa” and he tries to defend himself with the whip in his hand. Water is seen as the symbol of purification, of sending away the evil spirits and of having a rich crop, whereas the egg is the symbol of germination and fertility of the land.
The custom of “Burduhoasa” dates from ancient times but, unfortunately, it is preserved only in a few villages around Romania, Sâncel being one of them. 

Un comentariu:

  1. Felicitari elevilor si cadrelor didactice care au realizat acest material!
    Coordonator proiect,
    Lenuta Bloj
